Friday, August 6, 2010

My Statement of Faith

I see many people who become or are Christians say they accept God, and go to church every Sunday; yet they never open a Bible. They may read along during the sermon on Sunday but that is it. The worst part is many of these people really do love Jesus with all their heart and want to be considered "in his light". Where they fail is that they have not come to the realization that there is the society and world we have created, and then there is the Kingdom of God which He created.

Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. -1 John 2:15

We should not love the world as we know it, we should love the Kingdom of God, because when our time comes that is where we will continue to live for eternity. I came to this realization a few months ago and it turned my life upside down. I started reading the Bible at least an hour if not up to three hours every day. I began reading many Christian books and listening to sermons on my way to work. Every waking moment since then I have been filling up my mind with anything related to learning about, or glorifying God. When I am not studying the word I am praying throughout my workday and putting into actions the principles of the Bible and obeying the commands God gives me. In short, I thirst for everything Jesus, and this thirst is insatiable. I strive to follow the Bible to the letter. I believe it as all being literal.

I do not say all this to boast by any means, for I am so unworthy of the Lord's loving-kindness, yet forever elated and grateful of his mercy that he would bestow it upon all of us! I type all of the above because I truly believe that when someone finally "gets it", they will exhibit many of the same feelings. Its like you are on fire with the love of the Holy Spirit and you just can't get enough! I see so many Christians that mill about and complain about their lives, or do not understand why certain things happen to them. Little do they know that it is God calling them to become closer to Him. And the longer you ignore Him, the more intensely he will turn up the heat till you answer. I continually pray for all those who are not living according to the Bible, whether Christian or not, that the Lord will let the realization of His truth hit them like a ton of bricks [it’s ok to throw these kind of bricks at people;)]!

As for those of us that do follow the Bible, we know that it is ALL literal. And although we do not always follow it 100% (myself included), we should strive to try with everything in us to do so while working toward that goal. My favorite example is:

If Jesus called upon us right now to follow him what would we say? Before an answer is given consider this...

As they were walking along the road, a man said to him, "I will follow you wherever you go."

Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head."

He said to another man, "Follow me."

But the man replied, "Lord, first let me go and bury my father."

Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God."

Still another said, "I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say good-by to my family."

Jesus replied, "No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God."

- Luke 9:57-62

Would we be willing to be homeless to follow Jesus? How about leave our dead Father where he lies? Or to go where Jesus tells us immediately, not saying goodbye to our family or knowing if we would see them again in our lifetime? We all claim to follow Jesus, so the answer should be a deafening YES!

This is where many people start saying "Well, that is more metaphorical or figurative or etc." When it starts to come to the hard parts of following Jesus people seem to change their tune a bit. This brings me great sadness. I am practically alone in my answer to the above question. I am saying that I am pretty much alone even among many Christians in saying, "Yes Lord, I will follow you"! However, there is a growing number of people coming together saying "We want the REAL Jesus". I will continue my efforts to find them in my community.

All the same, even if I was the only one, I know it is the truth and I am prepared to stand by it for eternity.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Enlisted in God's Army

Hello, my name is William Hunt and I am a dedicated servant and soldier for our Lord Jesus Christ. I have long considered creating a blog that contains my thoughts, testimonies, and various other dealings with the Lord; and today I was commanded to do so without fail. So here I am letting the Lord speak through me as I press the buttons on this keyboard. This blog is not aimed at telling its readers what they want to hear, nor is it being created for the purpose of starting foolish quarrels or to bring attention to myself; the Lord has commanded me to do this, and I make every attempt to serve the Lord well and carryout his will. However, I do hope and pray that all who read what is written here will walk away with a closer relationship to Jesus and better understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Furthermore, I hope to inspire believers and non-believers alike to come closer to God and let him bless you with an overflow of the Holy Spirit. God bless everyone whose eyes meet these words!

Some may call themselves defenders of the faith; others say they are watchmen, soldiers, lanterns, navigators, and various other positions in the name of the Lord our God. Every single position is crucial to the Christian faith and is piece of the puzzle that God fits together perfectly so that His Army functions like clockwork. That is right, I said “His Army”, as in God’s Army. Many who are not of the faith and some of those who are might say “God has and Army?” Well the answer is a big yes! And all of us who have accepted Christ and the sacrifice he made for our salvation have been enlisted by God to be a part of it! As I mentioned before, there are many different positions God calls on people to serve under in His Army. Maybe you are a Soldier in the thick of the ongoing spiritual war against Satan; or maybe you are a Christian counselor who provides much needed Godly counsel and support to our Christian soldiers when they are away from the battle. Regardless, God has called on you and has great joy and love for you and all that you do to support the praise of His name! We are all Soldiers of God in one way or another, but many times he will use a specific talent in you to carry out these other equally as important functions. He loves your talents and uniqueness because he blessed you with them, so always embrace them so that you may glorify and praise his name ceaselessly. I have been a born-again Christian for 5 years and was only enlisted by God into His Army about one month ago. There is a difference between just being a Christian and truly being a soldier of God; and it is much like the difference between just going to church every Sunday, versus glorifying God in everything you do. As Christians our lifestyle and all that we do should be guided by the Bible; and if all else fails, always strive to glorify God in every action you take, word you say, and thought you have. There is warfare taking place all around us every second of everyday, and it is the war of good versus evil, the war against Satan. We must fight the good fight at all times, together we will persevere.

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.

Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the

gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory

to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.” -1 Peter 4: 10-11 NLT

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you, which

you have confessed so well before many witnesses.”- 1 Timothy 6